Friday, May 21, 2010

Website Layout First Draft

Now that my flat book images are in their final stages, I'm moving onto my website layout. These are a couple of color scheme ideas.

Not quite the look that I'm going for but brainstorming always starts out at a trickle. I'll keep you updated on my latest designs.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Flatbook Revisions

Practice makes perfect! After another weekly critique, I've decided once more to add the star behind the Shh Girl emblem. This will make it easier to see her on the flat book pages that include a lot of black space. I removed it previously because I wasn't sure if the star made my emblem too gaudy but as it turns out, it actually helps it pop just that much more! Check it out!

Ok, you can't see it on this one, but this is the new revised flat book layout. Notice that I have removed the border. This is to give each piece an extra half inch to strut their stuff! It also makes the layout appear cleaner and more professional.

I've also adjusted the layout for drawings that look better on a vertical layout (you can see the star in this one. I don't think it takes away from the picture but it leads your eye towards it and the Shh Girl doesn't get lost in the shadows.)

Love still hurts!

Painter Demon (Verdelet) looking lovely and devilish as ever.

This is it, what do you think?

Friday, May 14, 2010


I tested out the new emblem on my flatbook layout and, after much tweeking, decided that this emblem just doesn't suit me. I think I had it right the first time.....

So I've gone back to the original Shh Girl.

This is my final layout. I've enlarged the canvas space for my art work and brought my name down to the bottom of the page where it is noticeable, yet unintrusive.

Here are a few examples of my work.

Love Hurts.

Painter Demon (aka Verdelet) is a concept that I've worked with on several occasions, I've made quite a few 2D and 3D animation skits with her and also written a short story.

Pegasus has never been depicted as female and yet, in the Greek Mythology stories, it's sex is never really conveyed. That's why I decided to she Pegasus here as a sassy female horse!

Would you really want to be in the sights of a cat carrying a fork?

Pegasus' turn around.

This is a humanoid, leopard, butterfly that I cooked up. she's as big as a mountain.

This is Edward Rochester. He is a character for a video game concept inspired by the book Jane Eyre. I tried out several different looks for him before finding this one.

DESPERATE! I think this drawing speaks for itself.
This is the concept work for a story that I created. It was inspired by a dream.

Here is the final height chart of the three friends.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Finalizing The Logo

Someone suggested that my logo idea resembled Betty Boop too closely, So I began playing with some of my other emblem ideas. I went for the little girl idea but I've decided that I don't think this character represents me as an artist. I also think that this character looks too generic. So I went back to my original concept.

I've looked over my emblem and it seemed to me that the similarities lie in the color scheme that I chose. The grayscale look that I originally gave to the Shh Girl may have caused it to look very similar to Betty Boop. Although I did not use Betty as a reference for my concept I decided to go with more of a purple color. But now that she has more color the emblem is far too busy.

I deleted the legs in order to allow the name to stand out more in the emblem

Then I gave the emblem a striped halo to really make the word pop and to bring the word and the Shh Girl together. I think it's finally coming around, however, I would still like to experiment with more ideas.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Revised Layout

This was the first draft that I made of my layout. I wanted to go for a scratchy look, but it only ended up looking messy and rushed. Not something that I want to convey to potential clients.

For my second draft I used the Shh Girl. This was also a potential business card, but it didn't make the cut. The character takes up too much space, and the logo name is too small. It also looks just as messy as the first draft, so this one is a "No".

My third layout is what I've decided to go with for now. The logo is visible but not overbearing and with my title, email, and website outlined in white they pop off of the gray backdrop. My name is in the top corner, and I haven't quite decided whether I like that or not, however, I'm not sure where to put it at this point.

Here is an example of some of my art displayed on the Scar layout. I'm not sure if I want to stop here or keep working on it but I'm going to set it aside for now and come back to this with a fresh set of eyes!

More Business Cards

Making a business card has turned out to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. This is my second draft. I decided to go with the "Shh Girl"

She's more like an emblem than a logo, but according to
an emblem is also a kind of logo.

The emblem has a cute character, but that isn't all that I want to show with my logo. That's why I enlarged Scar, because that's me; the artist. Even though there is more going on in the logo with the name right on top of the character, the name still stands out because the character is grayscale.

Here is my third and final business card. I think the design leads the eye in a very informative way from the emblem, to the name and finally to the website.
This is the back of the card. What do you think?

More Logo Ideas

I still haven't quite settled on a logo, but here are a few more ideas. This is the Shh Girl. She's drawing the word "Scar" on the wall.
This is another idea, it goes with the Shh Girl. I think this logo could stand alone if i needed to take the drawing out for the sake of real estate on a business card.

I had a vision of a scar on a computer screen but it just doesn't look interesting enough.

In this one, I wanted to have the pen look like a knife cutting into a sheet of paper.......too violent!

I thought it would be awesome to have my logo inside my name (since the word Scar comes from my last name in the first place).

In this example I played with the idea of a machanical pencil with a claw on it, scratching the word, "SCAR" into the page!....But I'm not sure if it would make sense to anyone.

This one has too, I just don't like this one.


I like this one, but the character's limbs are mirrored, which makes it altogether uninteresting to look at.
I'm still working on it, but this is what I've come up with so far.