Thursday, April 22, 2010

Revised Layout

This was the first draft that I made of my layout. I wanted to go for a scratchy look, but it only ended up looking messy and rushed. Not something that I want to convey to potential clients.

For my second draft I used the Shh Girl. This was also a potential business card, but it didn't make the cut. The character takes up too much space, and the logo name is too small. It also looks just as messy as the first draft, so this one is a "No".

My third layout is what I've decided to go with for now. The logo is visible but not overbearing and with my title, email, and website outlined in white they pop off of the gray backdrop. My name is in the top corner, and I haven't quite decided whether I like that or not, however, I'm not sure where to put it at this point.

Here is an example of some of my art displayed on the Scar layout. I'm not sure if I want to stop here or keep working on it but I'm going to set it aside for now and come back to this with a fresh set of eyes!

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