Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Business Cards

Making a business card has turned out to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. This is my second draft. I decided to go with the "Shh Girl"

She's more like an emblem than a logo, but according to
an emblem is also a kind of logo.

The emblem has a cute character, but that isn't all that I want to show with my logo. That's why I enlarged Scar, because that's me; the artist. Even though there is more going on in the logo with the name right on top of the character, the name still stands out because the character is grayscale.

Here is my third and final business card. I think the design leads the eye in a very informative way from the emblem, to the name and finally to the website.
This is the back of the card. What do you think?

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