Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Logo Ideas

I still haven't quite settled on a logo, but here are a few more ideas. This is the Shh Girl. She's drawing the word "Scar" on the wall.
This is another idea, it goes with the Shh Girl. I think this logo could stand alone if i needed to take the drawing out for the sake of real estate on a business card.

I had a vision of a scar on a computer screen but it just doesn't look interesting enough.

In this one, I wanted to have the pen look like a knife cutting into a sheet of paper.......too violent!

I thought it would be awesome to have my logo inside my name (since the word Scar comes from my last name in the first place).

In this example I played with the idea of a machanical pencil with a claw on it, scratching the word, "SCAR" into the page!....But I'm not sure if it would make sense to anyone.

This one has too, I just don't like this one.


I like this one, but the character's limbs are mirrored, which makes it altogether uninteresting to look at.
I'm still working on it, but this is what I've come up with so far.

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