Thursday, May 20, 2010

Flatbook Revisions

Practice makes perfect! After another weekly critique, I've decided once more to add the star behind the Shh Girl emblem. This will make it easier to see her on the flat book pages that include a lot of black space. I removed it previously because I wasn't sure if the star made my emblem too gaudy but as it turns out, it actually helps it pop just that much more! Check it out!

Ok, you can't see it on this one, but this is the new revised flat book layout. Notice that I have removed the border. This is to give each piece an extra half inch to strut their stuff! It also makes the layout appear cleaner and more professional.

I've also adjusted the layout for drawings that look better on a vertical layout (you can see the star in this one. I don't think it takes away from the picture but it leads your eye towards it and the Shh Girl doesn't get lost in the shadows.)

Love still hurts!

Painter Demon (Verdelet) looking lovely and devilish as ever.

This is it, what do you think?

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